I was headed toward a darkness in my life. I felt ashamed and disgusted, and I was filling my mind with negative thoughts. Don't get me wrong - I like myself as a person for the most part, but I was spending a lot more time on the negative parts of myself, thinking it would jump-start me into an action plan. When it wasn't happening the way I hoped, I would spiral into even more negativity. 

But, I saw an opportunity to be part of Kacey's development program for her to become a certified life coach, and I decided to reach out. I felt drawn to her because I saw her journey as she posted on social media and felt that she was someone I could trust to guide me through my own darkness. And although our like experiences are very different, she had the mindset that I wished I had. If she could navigate through her darkness, then she would possibly help me through mine. 

I discovered that the things that I thought were my biggest issues were only masking what I really felt about myself. Kacey helped me realize what was truly bothering me. Not only that, but she helped me discover a different perspective, and that helped me feel more empowered and that I have permission to give myself grace in the process. 

If you are ever at a point in life where you're battling negative self-talk the way I was, please stop what you're doing and reach out to Kacey. I took a chance and got vulnerable and it was a great experience! I highly recommend her!

Kelly S, Client